Electronic Supplement to
Predominant-period Site Classification for Response Spectra Prediction Equations in Italy

by Carola Di Alessandro, Luis Fabian Bonilla, David M. Boore, Antonio Rovelli, and Oona Scotti

The files included in this electronic supplement contain the coefficients of Eq. (1) [Table S1], material showing variations of H/V spectral ratios as function of magnitude [Table S2 and Figure S1] and of hypocentral distance [Table S3 and Figure S2], dependence of intra-event residuals for a variety of periods with respect to magnitude [Figure S3 and Figure S5] and distance [Figure S4 and Figure S6], and comparison of our predicted spectra with respect to other global GMPEs [Figure S7].

The tables are comma-separated-variable (csv) files and the figures are jpg files.

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